What is different from my programme and others is that I’ve been there….
After two surgeries and a dosage of radioactive iodine, my life changed completely…
I got very depressed post-treatment, worried that the cancer would come back…And so this programme is informed from my own experience and talking to countless others..,
In fact, this is one of the very few programmes out there utilising a totally holistic approach, through which we work closetly together to explore 7 foundational pillars of health.
By doing so we are able to ensure that you are dialed in on all of these key areas so that even when you’re done with the programme, you have those much-needed tools in your toolkit to help yourself in the future.
In the 12 weeks of working together, each session will have a specific focus—depending on where there needs fine-tuning. These pillars to be unpacked and explored deeper are: detoxification, stress, sleep, mindset/spirituality, nutrition, movement and hydration.
The body needs to detoxify from the constant toxins it is constant contact with. Likewise, the terrain theory (versus germ theory) postulates that all dis-ease is caused by toxic overload. The theory is that the body gets so overwhelmed with these toxins and this thus provides the condition for bacteria and viruses to grow and proliferate —thus ending up in disease. And so together we look at eradicating your toxic overload from things like food, BPA, found in plastic, thermal paper receipts, and the lining of food cans; and phthalates, found in many products.
We work together to address and deal with any sources of stress. As studies show, the stress hormone cortisol is especially problematic as it can drive cancer. And so, stress management is absolutely essential to optimal health.
If you’re not sleeping well, you’re not healing. Good sleep provides the foundation for good health and is also highly tied into our mood and overall wellness. Likewise, If we aren’t sleeping well, we will make bad food/health habits. And so it is imperative to drill down on a powerful sleep routine for you.
Mindset is an often underrated aspect of healing. If you have a sick mind, you will have a difficult time healing. We will work together to strengthen your mindset, your self-talk, self-esteem and your spiritual practices. By doing so you will will fine-tune your relationship with yourself. Dr. Kelly Turner who wrote Radical Remission discusses nine factors that radical remission survivors share in common, and four of those were spiritual/mindset related. These factors included suppressed emotions, embracing social support, increasing positive emotions, deepening your spiritual connection and having strong reasons for living. All of these factors play into thriving after cancer!
Food not only fuels our body, but our mind and soul. Optimising your daily food intake so that you help your body rid itself of toxins, as well as nourishing your body with good nutrition, hydration and anti-inflammatory plant -power is absolutely ESSENTIAL.
Exercise is amazing for you!! Aim for your favourite exercise and do it a LOT. Up to 200 minutes per week if you can. Rebounding, jumping rope, jumping jacks and yoga are amazing for the lymphatic system which is also helpful for detoxification and clearing out toxins. We will work together to get you moving daily!
We are made of water! In fact up to 60% of our bodies are made of water and so we need to constantly replenish ourselves frequently…..Up to (over) half of our body weight per day. We will come up with a plan that works for you.